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Documenting authentic moments and great love stories in beautiful destinations


News, Weddings

{Published}: Southern Weddings V5 + Giveaway!!!

FINALLY…I can reveal that I had a few wonderful things published in the newest issue of Southern Weddings Magazine!!! I’m so excited to be a part of this gorgeous publication once again. Southern Weddings is THE publication of all wedding publications and is sought after by many brides to inspire their big day. The team over at Southern Weddings has stepped up their game once again and delivered an over the top issue! I didn’t think they could outdo themselves after last year’s beautiful issue, but they did! It’s full of so many beautiful weddings, advice, feature stories, editorial shoots and much, much more!

MSP had the honor of having multiple projects featured. First, I worked with Southern Weddings on a gorgeous Honey & Pecan inspired editorial shoot. Our talented Georgia team of vendors produced a gorgeous, gorgeous shoot that was so simple and pretty, I just LOVED being a part of it. Everyone did such a fantastic job creating everything from custom stationery, gorgeous florals, a one-of-a-kind moonshine tasting bar with golden mason jars, you name it! We also had some beautiful SW reader models who graciously played bridal party in some to-die-for dresses. You can see more of this shoot on Southern Weddings here: Honey Shoot. And, even MORE of the shoot will be posted here very, very soon!

Also featured in this issue was Erin & Michael’s amazing lakeside wedding in Alabama!!! Erin & Michael are the talented duo behind Hi Note, a custom stationery & papergoods design team, and created a very personalized and fun wedding that I can’t wait to show you more of! Everything was so beautifully put together and representative of Erin & Michael as a couple, it was just spectacular! For now, please enjoy these spreads that were featured in the magazine!


Ok, now for the fun part! I am giving away a TRILOGY of Southern Weddings goodness to one lucky reader! Just leave a comment below on your favorite part of the Honey/Pecan Shoot, or Erin & Michael’s wedding and you will receive THREE ISSUES OF SOUTHERN WEDDINGS – V3, V4 & V5!!! All in print and all gorgeous and inspiring. Please be sure and comment by December 31, 2012 at Midnight and you’ll receive the magazines the first week of the new year! This is even a perfect gift for someone you know who may have gotten or will be getting engaged…hint, hint gentlemen!


-Leave a comment below and note your favorite thing about the Honey/Pecan Shoot or Erin & Michael’s Wedding

-Leave the comment before Midnight, New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2012 for a chance to win!

-Winner will be chosen at-random and magazines sent out the first week of January!

Now, even if you don’t win, you can still get your very own copy of the new Southern Weddings V5 right here: HERE

And, you can also VIEW all previous issues of Southern Weddings online HERE!

*****************CONGRATULATIONS TO SKYE HAKES!!! THE WINNER OF THE GIVEAWAY!!!*****************


  1. Hey Melissa, I already own copies of these gorgeous mags, so no need to win your contest, but I just wanted to swing by your blog and tell you how AMAZING your features look!! So, so, so proud of you and your amazing talent!! Your images are SO GORGEOUS!! Get it girl!!!

"My advice is simply that everyone should love themselves and sail across their oceans till they cannot find the end."